Análisis de brotes en tiempo real: el ébola como estudio de caso - parte 1

#simulation #response #ebola #epicurve #reproduction number #Spanish

Introducción Esta práctica (en tres partes) simula la evaluación temprana y la reconstrucción de un brote de enfermedad por el virus del Ébola (EVE). Introduce varios aspectos del análisis de la etapa inicial de un brote, incluida la tasa de letalidad (CFR por sus siglas en inglés de Case Fatality Ratio), curvas epidemiológicas (parte 1), estimación de la tasa de crecimiento, datos del rastreo de contactos, retrasos y estimaciones de transmisibilidad (parte 2), así como la reconstrucción de la cadena de transmisión mediante el uso de outbreaker2 (parte 3). ...

Is this outbreak over?

#epicurve #outbreak #outbreak end

Motivation At which time point during an outbreak of a person-to-person transmitted disease can one declare the outbreak as having ended? Answering this question can be important in order to calm the population, re-attract tourists, stop export bans or reduce alertness status. The current WHO method for answering the above question is as follows: a period of two times the longest possible incubation time needs to pass without observing additional cases, before the outbreak can be declared as being over. ...


Ebola simulation part 2: outbreak reconstruction

#genetics #simulation #response #outbreaker2 #epicurve #reproduction number #ebola

This practical is the second part of the response to a simulated Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak taking place in the city of Ankh, Republic of Morporkia. While the first part focussed on early assessments of transmissibility, this part explores more methodological options for estimating transmissibility, and provides an introduction to outbreak reconstruction using outbreaker2. An update on the EVD outbreak in Ankh, Republic of Morporkia After some rather concerning preliminary results on the new EVD outbreak in the city of Ankh, Republic of Morporkia, Public Health Morporkia (PHM) has sent you updates of the linelists and contact data. ...